
Here is an article for you to read: "Japan and the United States worlds apart on wireless" or "Why Japanese mobile phones kick ass and US phones suck it". It's true. I am so damn excited to get a decent phone while I am over there.

I guess this is the part where I should ramble on about my life. As it turns out I am still slowly preparing for my impending move to Japan. I am pretty sure I am very ar behind, but I really don't

want to pack everything up and throw everything away weeks before I leave and then have to hang out with nothing to do. By the way, if anyone wants any of my stuff, just come on over and take it. This offer does not apply to the person who has all my stuff from having previously broken into my apartment.

Today I played ultimate again. I am getting a little stronger but I still didn't make it all the way through to the end. I did actually play fairly well, but I also got fairly beat up. Of course my friggin' knees are all torn up. But I also did something strange to my calf muscle. I don't really know what the story is there, but hopefully I can ignore it and it will go away (not the calf, just the pain). Of course I kept true to my masochistic nature and continued playing. Fortunately for my continued ability to walk, this Thursday is the Fourth of July and no game wil be played. I am sure I can come up with some other way to injure myself just this once.

One lady who was there told me about the site of a guy who lives two blocks from my house. It is a good site actually, aside from the fact that it always expands to 110% of my window width. He takes a lot of photographs and is into privacy issues, and is a much more lucid writer than I am. Go check it out, if you are so inclined. (How's that for a stirring endorsement?)

Wow, this is a lot of rambling. I drew some obnoxious cartoons the other day at the orientation, and I would like to put them up here, but I have been having little success getting my scanner to work with my new laptop. It is so strange to me that so many things just work automatically in OS X but scanners are a total pain in the ass. But, if there is an obnoxious cartoon over there, I guess I got it to work.

Pretty much all content on this page was created by Donkeymon. Probably not all of it, but most of it. Thank you for looking at it. I guess you shouldn't steal it, unless I stole it in the first place. But really I don't see what the big deal is.