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This was a fun movie. I saw it in the theater in Japanese, so I may have missed a few of the finer details, but it's not really that hard to follow. In the movie, Miyazaki Aoi is a worthless A&R girl at a record company who discovers a cool punk band through a video circulating on Mixi. So she has to sign them to her label and get them through a tour of Japan. it's a comedy, but I didn't find it too slapstick or farcical, like a lot of Japanese movies. The acting and writing were good, although some of the acting was over the top. And the music was really good.

Pretty much all content on this page was created by Donkeymon. Probably not all of it, but most of it. Thank you for looking at it. I guess you shouldn't steal it, unless I stole it in the first place. But really I don't see what the big deal is.