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An all-around great movie. Brilliantly directed, filmed, and acted. Based on the true crime book written by the guy who turns out to be the main character, even more than the killer. Well, of course he's going to be the main character in his own book. But the way the movie shifts from police procedural crime drama/newsroom drama to a more psychological look at the author's self-destructive and futile drive to find the culprit really helps keep the movie engaging for its 3-hour running time. Refreshingly, the movie makes almost no attempt to take us "into the mind of a killer," instead finding far more fertile ground in the minds of the characters surrounding the case.

Pretty much all content on this page was created by Donkeymon. Probably not all of it, but most of it. Thank you for looking at it. I guess you shouldn't steal it, unless I stole it in the first place. But really I don't see what the big deal is.