
Well, this entry is mostly a test. My crappy hosting company was recently purchased by an even crappier hosting company, If you ever have a choice in hosting, do not choose them. As it is, I think I have the site mostly all working again, but if you notice anything funny, let me know. Soon I will have to migrate the site to a decent host though, but hopefully without any downtime like today. One host I have found that looks really good is ModWest.

So, I might as well write about what I have been up to lately. Sadly, it isn't that much. I was supposed to go to court today and testify against the guy who broke into the apartment, but the lawyer had to do something else or something, so it was postponed again. I told her that I was leaving the country in less than a month, and she said I was critical the case so she would see what she could do about getting it set this month.

Other than that, not much going on. I am still trying to get ready to leave, but I am having real difficulties. This would be a lot easier if I lived with my parents or had just gotten out of school and didn't have much stuff of my own. I think that that is more the situation that they are hoping for from applicants. Oh well, if you want anything that you think I might own, let me know and I will give it to you.

Pretty much all content on this page was created by Donkeymon. Probably not all of it, but most of it. Thank you for looking at it. I guess you shouldn't steal it, unless I stole it in the first place. But really I don't see what the big deal is.